Tis the season for gift giving so I got the brilliant idea to do just that. Today’s blog is my gift to you, the reader. It’s not wrapped. I hope you don’t mind. 🙂 I was at a craft fair this fall when a young lady came up to my table and pointed at a pile of Nature’s Christmas Story books. “We used to read our children The Night Before Christmas on Christmas Eve just before bedtime. But now we…..
Being an author allows me opportunities to experience things that I would never have had the opportunity to experience. Case and point the email I received last week from an unknown Floridian. When I opened my emails in my iPad, I observed a strange site. Attached at the bottom of the first email was a photo of my children’s book “The First Advent” opened to page 34 on the left while the page on the right, if I’m remembering how…..