My wife Kathie has been in the nursing home for the past two months. She is struggling because she cannot understand why she can’t be home with me. This has led to bouts of anger which is painful for both of us. Then I got a brilliant idea! I wrote for the magazine Minnesota Out of Doors from 1985 to 1991. I wrote a children’s column where I featured our family. Our three children, Steve, Jill and Bonnie would go…..
With that blog title I’m thinking I know what you are thinking. You are getting ready to enjoy a wild west cattle drive.That would be wrong cowboy! 🙂If you are a television watcher, you probably have watched the commercial a thousand times. In fact, I can almost repeat it verbatim.Roundup is a nasty chemical used to kill all weeds as well as most farm crops. If the applier of the chemical is exposed to it without, rubber gloves, mask, rubber…..