Daughter Jill messaged me, inviting me to take a road trip with her and her sister, Bonnie. “And where might that be?” I inquired. “Missouri”, was her reply. Jill’s and Greg’s son Logan and his fiancé are living in Boonville, Missouri. Logan attends vet school in Columbia and his fiancé, Laney is a FFA teacher in a neighboring town. Meanwhile I am struggling in Wheaton as Kathie tries to accept the fact that the care center is her new home. …..
My wife Kathie has been in the nursing home now, beginning her fourth month. For me it has been a painful, excruciating experience. If Kathie read this she would snort and say, “How do you think I’m feeling buster?” And she would have a valid point. Her memory loss has touched my heart like no other experience in our marriage. When I visit her in the care center her first question is, “Can I come home with you tonight?” If…..